Monday, December 19, 2005
| by Neil Shakespeare | 7:00 PM |Let me say something about the Patriot ActYou know, there's an interesting debate in Washington - and you're part of it - that says: Well, they didn't connect the dots prior to September the 11thpeople were pretty adamant about hauling people up to testify and wondering how come the dots weren't connectedWell, the Patriot Act helps us connect the dots.It is inexcusable to say, on the one hand, connect the dots and not give us a chance to do so
We've connected the dots - are trying to connect the dots
we're connecting dots as best as we possibly canAnd so - I forgot what got me on this subject. But, nevertheless, we're doing the right thing.EXCERPTS FROM THE PRESS CONFERENCE OF MR. CONNECT-THE-DOTS 12/19/05