Saturday, December 17, 2005
I'm Still Screwed!!!
| by TFLS | 3:15 PM |Well, boys and girls - Typepad still well and truly has me by the short hairs. New content on my weblog is only visible if the viewer (either from within the belly of the beast, or entering the cave alone and unaided) clicks on my title bar. If you just drop on by to say howdy - all most of you will be able to see are my posts from December 12th - the arbitrary date Typepad picked as most worthy, I guess. 1/2 dozen 'fix the fucking thing' tickets later, and I am being told everything is just fine - no problem here! Just re-publish your files, clear your cache, crush all your cookies into infinitesimally tiny motes of dust and it will all go away. (Of course you must stand on one foot and cackle like a chicken while doing it - without that, everything else is moot).
Well, it hasn't gone away - and I have done everything up to and including complicated voodoo rituals (it helps having a hubby who does this sort of thing for a living - computers, that is; not voodoo). So - two things. First, I hope you all don't mind if I hang out here and party a while. Second, could you please stop by my blog and tell me what you see? (The Fat Lady Sings) Typepad is not helping one little bit - they keep telling me everything on their end's fine - it's me who's screwed up. (They're coming to take me away, ho ho, ha, ha, he, he). Well - hubby and I are already hunting for a new home - which is incredibly stressful and a bitch to boot! I mean, I was putting finishing touches on a more individualistic design, creating an alternate page for my fiction work, and trying to smooth out my first podcast - all through Typepad, the nasty little trolls!
So you will excuse me for saying I'M PISSED!!!!!! And if you will also excuse the expression - Carla at Typepad can kiss my ever lovin' ass!