Friday, December 16, 2005

When Tragedy Strikes

| by Agi | 4:42 PM |

Sometimes I don't have the ability to deal with horrible news stories like this one.

Our culture is in grave danger.


please. the world needs another john lennon.
Paul McCartney needs to drop dead as well. Preferably while he is performing on stage.
"Simpson had just finished a rendition of the hit single "Boyfriend" before telling the audience that she felt sick."

Does this have anything to do with CIA Blacksites? Was she trying to to tell us something? Is it to late to learn the truth?!
we are bad people. sitting around wishing death on people. what about the spirit of christmas?
Hey "rev"

Death is the reason for the season.

I wish that woman would just go away and leave the public alone. Why wont' she go away? WHY???
I want to take a crap on that stupid Simpson girl.
much obliged. too bad typepad has royally screwed us. oh well, defeat suits us.
hopefully just temporary, but i've learned from many years of defeat that hope = hopelessness.

if they lose the last weeks worth of posts i'll ..ummm... pretty much do nothing.
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